Harnessing the Power of CART with Bugoshi: Enhancing Cybersecurity in a DevSecOps World

The cybersecurity landscape is continuously evolving, and organisations need to adapt their security strategies to stay ahead of emerging threats. Traditional security assessments, such as penetration testing and red teaming, have been valuable for evaluating an organisation’s security posture. However, the rise of Continuous Automated Red Teaming (CART) has introduced a new approach to maintaining a robust security posture in a rapidly changing world. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of CART, the role of the Bugoshi tool in continuous scanning and testing, and how CART and Bugoshi fit into the DevSecOps model.

The Rise and Benefits of CART:

The increasing importance of CART in the cybersecurity landscape cannot be understated. It offers several key benefits over traditional penetration testing and red teaming, which makes it a more proactive and comprehensive assessment approach for an organisation’s security posture. These benefits include automation, continuous monitoring, real-time feedback, adaptability, and enhanced threat intelligence.

By leveraging automation, CART can perform repetitive tasks, such as scanning for vulnerabilities and attempting exploitation, more efficiently and consistently. This allows security teams to focus on more complex issues that require manual intervention or in-depth analysis. Continuous monitoring ensures that organisations receive ongoing assessment and identification of vulnerabilities, which helps maintain effective security defences in the face of evolving threats. Real-time feedback offers insights into the effectiveness of security controls and an organisation’s ability to detect and respond to attacks, enabling them to address weaknesses before they are exploited by real-world threat actors. Adaptability allows CART to adjust its evaluation as an organisation’s infrastructure and threat landscape change, keeping the security posture current and relevant. Finally, enhanced threat intelligence provides organisations with an understanding of the specific threats they face and how they may be targeted, informing security strategy and prioritisation.

Introducing Bugoshi:

Bugoshi is a tool that is designed to support both CART and DevSecOps by providing continuous scanning and testing across applications and cloud environments. It offers several key features that set it apart from traditional security assessment tools:

  • Continuous Reconnaissance for New Threats and Data Leakage: Bugoshi actively monitors the environment for new threats, potential vulnerabilities, and data leakage risks from both infrastructure and users. Understanding and addressing data leakage is critical, as sensitive information may find its way onto the web, exposing the organisation to potential breaches and reputational damage. This continuous reconnaissance helps security teams stay ahead of attackers and maintain a proactive security posture.
  • • Modular Design for Testing New TTPs: Bugoshi’s modular design allows for new tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to be tested against the environment as they emerge. This flexibility ensures that organisations can quickly adapt their defences to evolving threats and maintain a strong security posture.
  • • Focus on Accuracy and Speed: With its design and conceptualisation coming from bug bounty programmes, Bugoshi emphasises accuracy and speed in identifying vulnerabilities and potential data leakage issues. This focus ensures that organisations can quickly detect and remediate potential security issues, minimising the risk of exploitation by attackers.

By providing continuous reconnaissance, Bugoshi enables organisations to stay vigilant against data leakage and address potential risks before they escalate. This comprehensive approach to security monitoring and assessment ensures that organisations can maintain a robust security posture in the face of ever-changing threats and vulnerabilities.

Integrating CART and Bugoshi into the DevSecOps Model:

CART and Bugoshi can be integrated into the DevSecOps model, allowing development teams to assess their environment and applications from the beginning of the testing phase. This approach offers several benefits, such as faster identification and remediation of security issues, better collaboration between development and security teams, and a stronger security culture within the organisation.

Incorporating CART and Bugoshi into the Dev SecOps framework means security is addressed throughout the entire development lifecycle, rather than as an afterthought. Development and security teams can work together more effectively to identify and address security risks before they become significant problems. This approach also fosters a security-conscious culture, with all team members taking responsibility for maintaining a secure environment.

One of the challenges in implementing CART and integrating security tools like Bugoshi into a DevSecOps model is ensuring that the findings are presented in a language that developers can understand and work with. Developers are often not trained in security, so findings need to be easy for them to comprehend and quick to work with for resolving the identified issues.

Bugoshi is actively addressing this challenge by creating its own Large Language Model, trained specifically to deliver findings in a developer-friendly language. This approach ensures that developers can easily interpret the results, identify the root cause of the vulnerabilities, and implement the necessary remediations without extensive security training. Additionally, Bugoshi ensures application information stays private and secure within the organisation, as it avoids refining or retraining models using prompts, eliminating the need to store prompts and responses.

By presenting findings in a clear and actionable format, Bugoshi not only streamlines the remediation process but also helps foster a more collaborative relationship between development and security teams. This collaboration leads to more effective security practices and a stronger security culture within the organisation.


Adopting CART and tools like Bugoshi in today’s cybersecurity landscape is crucial for staying ahead of emerging threats and maintaining a robust security posture. By integrating these approaches into their security strategies, especially within a DevSecOps model, organisations can better protect themselves from potential cyberattacks and ensure a more secure future.

business leaders can ensure that their security investments are targeted towards the most critical assets.